College Labs

مختبرات الكلية

Since the beginning of the establishme

Since the beginning of the establishme

تأسس المختبر منذ عام  1978 ويخدم  المختبر بشكل رئيسي مساق الالكترونيات  1 و2 لكافة طلاب الدائرة من كل التخصصات، يهدف المختبر لتعرف االقطع لإلكترونية والطريقة الصحيحة لاستخدام هذه القطع في مختبر االالكترونيات.

The Photogrammetric Laboratory was established in 1999 and serves students of the Civil Engineering Department.

This workshop aims to train students to use manual engineering skills for various metal fabrication and maintenance operations such as sawing, filing, grinding, drilling, riveting, metal cutting, bending and other skills. And these skills are necessary for all types of metal fabrication and shaping. It is necessary for everyone who works in the industry to acquire these skills.

The workshop was established in 1978, it contains 15 machines specialized in metals forming using the cutting machines   and welding applications. In this workshop students are trained on: various types of metals cutting, welding, metals forming. In addition to, scraping operations, surfaces leveling, turning operations, horizontal and vertical milling, cutting gears in all their forms, and surfaces precise grinding and smoothing.


The Thermal Laboratory was established in 1978. It belongs to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and aims to consolidate the understanding of Engineering faculty students of the basic concepts of forms and methods of heat transfer, thermodynamic principles, heating &cooling and air conditioning basics.  The main experiments that can be carried in the Lab. include:  Determination of saturation pressures and temperatures of fluids.

The Applied Mechanics Laboratory was established in the year 1978, it is one of the laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It serves students of mechanical engineering, the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Architectural Engineering in addition to diploma students. The main experiments that can be carried in the Lab. include: Reactions on beams. Centroid and moment of inertia.

The Mechatronics Laboratory was established in 2003, it belongs to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The laboratory includes applications of mechatronics systems and computerized manufacturing systems.

The students of the Mechanical Engineering Department with its various Engineering majors (mechatronics, Automotives, Air conditioning and Refrigeration, and Renewable Energy) benefits from this Lab.  The main aim of the Lab. is to qualify the students in the practical part of Control, Microcontroller and Sensor courses approved by the university. In addition, helps the students complete their graduation projects. The Lab.

College of Engineering

Wadi al-haria - Building B
Tel: 022233050,  9610 / 9611