Labs and Workshops

1. Soil Mechanics Laboratory

The laboratory was established in 1982 to serve the Civil Engineering students in several courses, including Soil Mechanics I, Soil Mechanics II and Foundation Engineering in addition to senior projects. The laboratory is equipped with modern devices to run the different experiments. These devices are as follows: direct shear test device, audiometer for consolidation test, proctor device for compaction tests (standard and modified), unconfined compression test device, california bearing ratio device (CBR), triaxial test device, permeability device (falling and constant head), atterberg limits devices, ovens and accessories.


2. Asphalt Laboratory

The laboratory was established in 1982. It is equipped with modern devices and equipment including the following: stabilometer and flowmeter devices, centrifuge devices for separating the asphalt constituents, ductelometer device, rotating microwave oven, Marshall hammer and other necessary equipment for asphalt mix design. The laboratory serves the students in Civil Engineering materials courses and in senior projects.


3. Geodetic & Land Surveying Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 1980 as one of the main laboratories of the Civil and Architectural Engineering Department. It contains many conventional and modern surveying instruments like tapes, planimeters, levels, theodolites, total stations (EDM) accurate and navigation GPS receivers, digital levels and laser alignment equipment. This laboratory offers basic and specialized field courses for Geomatics & Surveying, Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering students. Many senior students make use of this laboratory for their senior projects.


4. Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & GIS Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 2001 to serve Geomatics students in many courses like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It is equipped with 12 personal computers with Arc view & Arc GIS software's, mirror stereoscopes and Er-mapper software used to prepare maps from Arial and satellite photos.


5. Construction Material Testing Laboratory

This laboratory was established in 1980 to serve the Civil and Architectural Engineering courses. It is equipped with an advanced universal testing machine, two compressive strength testing machines with capacities of 15 and 500 KN. It is also equipped for aggregate testing such as sieve analysis and abrasion resistance. The laboratory equipment includes the Vicat needle apparatus for the determination of the time of setting for cementitious materials, particularly Portland cement. The laboratory contains all the necessary facilities, equipment, and tools for mixing, casting, curing, and testing concrete and reinforced concrete. The basic courses served by this laboratory are Construction Materials Technology, Mechanics of Materials, and Materials Science and Engineering. The laboratory is also continuously used to serve research needs, particularly in relation to senior projects.


6. Architectural Workshop

This Workshop will cover some issues and methods in dealing with some Architectural Problems both physically and environmentally that students have to handle: Reinforcement of graphic and verbal skills necessary to communicate architectural design concepts, projects addressing concepts such as site, functional planning, spatial ordering, form generation in addition to theory and practice of architecture as art and science, interrelationship f function, structure, and form in building design through analytical approach to problem identification and problem solution. Also there are exercises in identifying conflicts of various forces normally associated with a variety of projects types and the generation of a range of solutions.

College of Engineering

Wadi al-haria - Building B
Tel: 022233050,  9610 / 9611