- Born in Jerusalem on 20.9.1965
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1994), from McGill University, in Montreal, Canada.
- Master degree in Chemical Engineering (1992), from McGill University, in Montreal, Canada.
- Bach. degree in Chemical Engineering (1989), from Jordan University of Science and Technology, in Irbid, Jordan
- Research interest and fields
- Academic Development and Industrial Cooperation.
- Environment: Waste Paper Recycling, Waste Recycling in Stone Cutting Plants, Reducing Environmental Impacts of Leather Industry
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction.
- Particulate Systems: Nano-Particles in Heavy Oil Applications, Particle Deposition, Coatings, Classification and Elutriation, Flow through Beds of Solids: Fluidized and Spouted Beds.
- Modeling of Transport Processes
- Construction Chemicals
1. Maher Al-Jabari, "Civil Society and Foreign Funding: Opportunities or Challenges"; (350 pages In Arabic), 1st Edition, Sawt Al-Qalam Al-Arabi, Cairo, Egypt (2010).
2. Maher Al-Jabari, "Scientific Research: Professional and Civilized Prospective", (in press, In Arabic),
Journal Papers
1. Maher Al-Jabari, Malek Abualfailat, Safa Shaheen, "Treating Leather Tanning Wastewater with Stone Cutting Solid Waste", CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, (2011)
2. Maher Al-Jabari, "Analysis of the Palestinian Academic Engineering Programs Towards Industry Oriented Quality Improvements", In Arabic with English Abstract, Jordan Journal of Applied Science, (Submitted for Publication).
3. Maher Al-Jabari, "Evaluating Palestinian Industrial Needs for fields and designs of the Palestinian Academic Engineering Programs", In Arabic, Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 7, p.72, (2011).
4. Maher Al-Jabari, Fathi Aqra, Safa Shahin and Awni Khatib, "Monitoring Chromium Content in Tannery Wasterwater", The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society Vol. 97 N° 2, 77-87 (2009)
5. Maher Al-Jabari, Fathi Aqra, Safa Shahin and Awni Khatib, "The Treatment of Chromium Tanning Wastewater using Natural Marl", Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, Volume 21, Number 3, August 2009 , pp. 185-191(7).
6. M. Al-Jabari, “Dynamics of Chelation-Supercritical Fluid Extraction from wood fibers", Journal of Separation Science, 27, 686-690 (2004).
7. M. Al-Jabari, “Modeling Analytical Tests of Supercritical Fluid Extraction from Solids with Langmuir Kinetics”, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 190(12), pp. 1620-1640, 2003
8. M. Al-Jabari, M.E. Weber and T.G.M. van de Ven, “Continuous Separation of Fines from Fibers in a Wedge-Shaped Vessel”, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 38, 2165-2181 (2003)
9. M. Al-Jabari, “Kinetic Models of Supercritical Fluid Extraction”, Journal of Separation Science, 25,477-489(2002).
10. K. Thurbide, M. Al-Jabari and M. Kowalchuk, “Extraction of Transition Metals From Wood Pulp Fibers Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide”, Chemical Engineering Communications 189: 675 - 683, (2002).
11. M. Al-Jabari, H. Mousa and I. Al-Khateeb, “Kinetics of Deposition of Carbon Particles on Plastic Particles” Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 37(2), pp. 1-19, (2002).
12. H. Mousa, M. Al-Jabari and I. Al-Khateeb, “Effect of Physicochemical and Hydrodynamic Conditions on Kinetics of Carbon Particles Deposition on Plastic Particles”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 83 (2), pp. 79-83, (2001)
13. M. Al-Jabari and M.E. Weber, “Mass Transfer Model for Supercritical Fluid Extraction Tests”, Separation Science and Technology, 1st 1999, 34:14: 2853-2863.
14. M. Al-Jabari, M.E. Weber, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Liquid spouting of fibers in a conical vessel”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.74, pp. 867-875 (1996).
15. M. Al-Jabari, M.E. Weber, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Particle elutriation from a spouted bed of pulp fibers”, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, Vol. 22 No.7, pp. 231-236 (1996).
16. M. Al-Jabari, M.E. Weber, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Modeling fines elutriation from a spouted bed of pulp fibers”, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vols. 148-150, pp. 465-476 (1996).
17. M. Al-Jabari, A.R.P. van Heiningen, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Modeling the flow and the deposition of fillers in packed beds of pulp fibers”, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, Vol. 20 No. 9, pp.249-253 (1994).
18. M. Al-Jabari, A.R.P. van Heiningen, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Experimental study of deposition of clay particles in packed beds of pulp fibers”, Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, Vol. 20 No.10, pp. 289-295 (1994).
19. Maher Al-Jabari, "Academic and Industry Development through Applied Student Projects Oriented Towards Palestinian Industry", In Arabic, The International Arab Conference on Quality in Higher Education (IACQA), (to be held in Zarqa, Jordan, 5/2011).
20. Maher Al-Jabari, "The Concept of Scientific Research: Away from Wrong Generalization of Methodology and Fields", The Conference of Scientific Research in Arab World: The Challenges and Opportunities, ( Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 3/2011).
21. Maher Al-Jabari, Malek Abu Al-Felat, Safa Shaheen, "Reducing Environmental Impact of Leather Industry by Treating its Wastewater with Stone Cutting Solid Waste", ICEEP-2009, Palestine, November 2009.
22. N. Nassar, M. Al-Jabari and M. Husein, Removal of asphaltenes from heavy oil by nickel nano and micro particle adsorbents, NANA, Crete, Greece, September 2008, ACTA Press, Calgary, AB (Track 615-808).
23. M. Al-Jabari, and M. Husein, Review of Adsorption of Asphaltenes onto Surfaces and its Application in Heavy Oil Recovery/Upgrading and Environmental Protection, ICCE-2007 Kuwait, November 2007 (p364-375).
24. M. Al-Jabari, N. Nassar, and M. Husein, Separation of Asphaltenes from Heavy Oil Model-Solutions by Adsorption on Colloidal Magnetite Nanoparticles, ICCE-2007 Kuwait, November 2007.
25. Maher Al-Jabari, Safa Shahin and Awni Khatib, "Evaluating and Investigating the Performance of the Treatment of Wastewater from Tanneries using UV/vis Spectrophotometric Analysis", Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference V (JICEC05), Amman, (September, 2005)
26. Maher Al-Jabari, “Managing Waste Treatment in Stone Cutting Industry in Palestine, Basic Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects”, RETEBE’02 (Ecologically Sustainable Industrial Development), Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, (December 2002).
27. Maher Al-Jabari and Hassan Sawalha, “Experimental Investigation of Flocculation-Sedimentation Process Design Used in Stone Cutting Plants in Palestine”, Jordan International Chemical Engineering Conference IV, vol. I, page 109-133, 22-24, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan, (September 2002).
28. Maher Al-Jabari and Hassan Sawalha, “Treating Stone cutting Waste by Flocculation-Sedimentation”, 28th WEDC Conference Sustainable Environmental Sanitation & Water Services, Kolkata (Calcutta) India, 18-22 November 2002.
29. Maher Al-Jabari, “Characterizing Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Metal Complexes using Spectrophotometric Technique”, First International Chemical Engineering Conference, Conference Proceedings, p.452, University of Jordan, September 2001.
30. Maher Al-Jabari, Asem Awad and Hasan Manasra, “Water Treatment in Stone Cutting Plants using Flocculation Sedimentation”, First Arab Chemical Conference, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan, November 2001.
31. K. B. Thurbide, M Kowalchuk and M. AL- Jabari, ”Extraction of Mn From Thermomechanical Wood Pulp Using Supercritical CO2” Canadian Society for Chemistry, CSC 2000 Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (May 2000)
32. M.E. AL- Jabari, A.R.P. van Heiningen, T.G.M. van de Ven, “Deposition of clay particles in packed beds of pulp fibers”, 66th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA (1992).