Oct 2008 – Jan 2013
Technische Universität Darmstadt
PhD, Geodesy , Darmstadt, Germany
Oct 2004 – Jul 2006
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
MSc., Geomatics, Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep 1998 – Aug 2003
Palestine Polytechnic University
B.Eng, surveying and Geomatics Engineering, Hebron, Palestine
Sep 1997 – Jul 1998
Jenin Secondary Boys School
Secondary School, Scientific Branch, Hebron, West Bank, Palestine
Ghadi Younis: The Effect of Using Multiple Coordinate Systems and Datum Transformations on the Calculated Coordinates in Palestine. Bulletin of Geography: Physical Geography Series 12/2020, 19(1): 31-41 DOI:10.2478/bgeo-2020-0008
Ghadi Younis: 3D Modelling of Earth Kinematics in Palestine for GNSS and Geodetic Time-Dependent Positioning. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 09/2019, 8(3):6034-6039 DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5577.098319
Ghadi Younis: The Integration of GNSS/Leveling Data with Global Geopotential Models to Define the Height Reference System of Palestine. ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 07/2018; 43(7):3639–3645., DOI:10.1007/s13369-017-2912-5
Ghadi Younis: Practical method to solve large least squares problems using Cholesky decomposition. Geodesy and Cartography 07/2015; 41(3):113-118., DOI:10.3846/20296991.2015.1086118
Ghadi Younis: Local earth gravity/potential modeling using ASCH. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 01/2015; 8(10):8681–8685., DOI:10.1007/s12517-014-1767-2
Jānis Kaminskis, Inese Janpaule, Reiner Jaeger, Ghadi Younis, Ansis Zarins: DFHRS-based computation of quasi-geoid of Latvia. Geodesy and Cartography 03/2013; 39(1):11 - 17., DOI:10.3846/20296991.2013.788827
Ghadi K. A. Younis, Reiner Jäger, Matthias Becker: Transformation of Global Spherical Harmonic Models of the Gravity Field to a Local Adjusted Spherical Cap Harmonic Model. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 02/2013; 6(2):375–381., DOI:10.1007/s12517-011-0352-1
Jäger R, Kaminskis J, Strauhmanis J, Younis G: Determination of Quasi-geoid as Height Component of the Geodetic Infrastructure for GNSS-Positioning Services in the Baltic States. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 01/2012; 49(3).
Reiner Jäger, Ghadi Younis, Simone Kälber: The New RTCM 3.1 Transformation Messages – Declaration, Generation from Reference Transformations and Implementation as a Server-Client Concept for GNSS-Services. Bollettino di Geodesia et Scienze Affini 05/2010; 69(2-3):267-297.
Conference Proceedings
Ghadi Younis: Finite Element Method for Precise Geoid Modeling for GNSS Positioning in Palestine. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE) - Palestine, Bethlehem, Palestine; 11/2019
Ghadi Younis: The use of Smart Phones for solving Mathematical Problems for Engineering Students. First National Conference in Teaching and Learning, Hebron, Palestine; 12/2014
V Chiriac, L Nistor-Lopatenco, V Grama, A Iacovlev, R Jager, P Spohn, G Younis: Development of new geodetic infrastructure in Republic of Moldova. EUREF Symposia 2011, Chisinau, Moldova; 05/2011
Ghadi Younis: Regional Gravity Field Modeling with Adjusted Spherical Cap Harmonics in an Integrated Approach. 01/2013, Degree: PhD, Supervisor: Matthias Becker, Reiner Jäger
Ghadi Younis: Further development of the L2/ L1-norm GOCA Kalman-filtering DLL and extension to the computation and visualization of variance estimations and probability and forecasting states. 07/2006, Degree: Master of Science, Supervisor: Reiner Jäger, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.24581.96489
Ghadi Younis, Mohammed Tbeisheh: Geo-map Calculator. 01/2003, Degree: Bachelor of Engineering, Supervisor: MSc. Kamal Ghatasha, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20807.09127