د. زهدي سلهب

المسمى الوظيفي: 
نائب رئيس الجامعة للشؤون الإدارية
السيرة الذاتية: 

ولد زهدي سلهب في مدينة الخليل في فلسطين بتاريخ 18/3/1961 . أكمل دراسته الابتدائية في مدرسة أسامة بن منقذ للبنين ومن ثم المرحلة الاعدادية في مدرسة الأمير محمد فالمرحلة الثانوية في مدرسة الحسين بن علي الثانوية. . أنهى امتحان الشهادة الثانوية التوجيهي عام 1979 بمعدل 87% - الفرع العلمي.

الدراسات الاكاديمية:

  • حصل على الدكتوراه في الهندسة الميكانيكية - محركات الاحتراق الداخلي - الوقود البديل وغازات العادم. جامعة ليبرتس التقنية - جمهورية التشيك - 2001
  • حصل على الماجستير في الهندسة الميكانيكية - محركات الاحتراق الداخلي . جامعة برنو التقنية - جمهورية تشيكوسلوفاكيا - 1985


الاهتمامات البحثية:

  • الوقود البديل
  • تلوث الهواء
  • محركات المركبات 
  • النفايات الصلبة


مؤسسات محلية وعالمية:

دورات محلية وعالمية:

حضر دورات منها:
  • November 1986 to November 1987: Practical experience in engineering projecting and designing, DRUPOS, Czech Republic.
  • March 1988 to July 1990 as Auto-mechanic.
  • August 3rd to 21st, 1992: participation in pedagogical and practical trainer’s course on teaching of auto mechanics-motor tester, Jerusalem, organized by UNDP.
  • June 20th to 30th, 1997: participation in practical trainer’s course on modern automotive systems, Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Participation in the second training course about reduction and influence of exhaust gases of gaseous fuel of vehicles as a friendly fuel of humanity and environment, , organized by Roads & Environment Safety Center – RESC- cooperation with GEF/SGP and UNDP, Ramallah, Palestine, 21-26/12/2002.
  • May 2010, participation in a practical trainer’s course on renewable energy using (wind and solar energy) for one week, Hebron, Palestine.
  • October 2nd-3rd, 2011: attended the training course of adapting the institutional and legal frameworks for industrial permitting and monitoring systems to the integrated pollution prevention and control principles. Organized by HORIZON 2020 Capacity Building/ Mediterranean Environment Programme.
  • October-November 2011: attended the course of 40 training hours of scientific research writing using LATEX cooperated by PPU and funded by USAID


الدكتور سلهب:

  • رئاسة وعضوية لجان علمية وتحضيرية للعديد من المؤتمرات العلمية.
  • محكم (مقيم) للعديد من المؤتمرات العالمية والمحلية.
  • العضوية في هيئة التحرير (editorial board) لسبع مجلات عالمية علمية محكمة.
  • المشاركة في العديد من المؤتمرات وورش العمل داخل وخارج الجامعة.
  • مدير وحدة أبحاث الطاقة البديلة والطاقة ومساهم في خدمة المجتمع المحلي.
المنشورات البحثية: 
  1. Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S.: Ecological effect of gas-fuelled engines, Palestine Engineer Magazine no.46, 12/2000, pp: 65-70.
  2.  Zuhdi Salhab, Husein Amro, Hazem Shweiki, Mahmoud Ghannam: Hydrogen Using As a Potential Fuel for Motor Vehicles (in Arabic). Palestine Engineer Magazine no.52, 7/2007, p. 87.
  3.  Zuhdi Salhab, Monjed Al-Shuwaiki, Tarek Hasasneh, Thabet Shawar: A Solar Car Building. Palestine Engineer Magazine no.56, 9/2010, pp: 83-84.
  4.  Zuhdi Salhab, Estimation of Traffic Induced Pollution in Palestine. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, ISSN 1934-8975, USA, Volume 4, Number 5, May 2010 (Serial Number 30), pp: 32- 36.
  5.  Zuhdi Salhab, Mohammad G. Qawasmi, Hussein Amro, Mosa Zalloum, Mohammad S. Qawasmi, Nafez Sharawi, Comparative Performance and Properties of Spark-ignition Outboard Engine Powered by Gasoline and LPG. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE). Volume 5, Number1, February 2011, ISSN 1995-6665, pp: 47 – 52.
  6.  Zuhdi Salhab, Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Emission and Performance of Hydrogen Fueled Spark- Ignition Engine. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering (GJRE-B- Automotive Engineering), Volume 12 Issue 2 Version 1.0, August, 2012, ISSN: 0975-5861, pp: 19-23.
  7.  Zuhdi Salhab, Husein Amro, Evaluation of Vehicular Noise Pollution in the City of Hebron, Palestine. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012, ISSN: 2249-6645, pp: 4307-4310.
  8.  Zuhdi Salhab, Tomeh E.: Ventilator dynamics. GIAGO 2/2000, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
  9.  Tomeh E., Zuhdi Salhab, Novak J.: Stable and diagnostic systems. Grant FRVS 1256/2000, page 55, Liberec, Czech Republic.
  10.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S.: Engine combustion chambers, International conference of internal combustion engines CONES, Poland, 1999.
  11.  Zuhdi Salhab: Vehicles exhaust gases reduction-using alternative fuels, 1st Palestinian Environmental Symposium, Hebron, 3/2000.
  12.  Zuhdi Salhab, Blazek J.: Experimental engine OCC OCTANE hydrogen fuelled – the influence of engine speed, Technical paper, SM 383/2000, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic 2001.
  13.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S., Blazek J., Drozda H.: Turbocharged experimental single-cylinder engine fuelled hydrogen, XII MOTORSYMPO conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 6/2001.
  14.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S., Blazek J., Drozda H.: The influence of engine adjustment and fuel type on parameters of engine working cycle, XII MOTORSYMPO conference, ISBN 80-01- 02382-6, LN 00B073. Brno, Czech Republic, 6/2001.
  15.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S., Blazek J., Drozda H.: Thermodynamics of working cycle of spark-ignition engine with engineering simplifying, European conference EAEC, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 6/2001, p.81-90, pp.10, ISBN 80-89057- 00-4, LN 00B073.
  16.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S., Blazek J., Scholz C., The influence of engine speed of OCC-OCTANE engine hydrogen fuelled, Technical paper and study tool SM 383/2000, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
  17.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun S., Blazek J., Drozda H.: Low-pressure indication of exhaust gases of OCC-OCTANE engine hydrogen fuelled, Technical paper and study tool SM 387/2001, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic.
  18.  Zuhdi Salhab, Blazek J.: Properties of chosen substances depending on temperature (calculation of substances properties of chosen fuel-air mixtures and their combustion products). Research report and technical paper SM 393/2001, Project LN00B073, Technical University of Liberec.
  19.  Zuhdi Salhab, Beroun, S., Blazek, J., Hajek, T.: Calculating Program PRESSURE macro-1101.xls - Description Program. Technical paper and study tool of project LN00B073, Technical University of Liberec, SM 395/2001.
  20.  Zuhdi Salhab: Automotive mechanics I, II for students of Vocational & Training Centers in West bank & Gaza strip, supported and edited by Ministries of Labor, Higher Education and Transport, Ramallah, Palestine, 2001.
  21.  Beroun S., Kovar Z., Scholz C., Blazek J., Drozda H., Zuhdi Salhab: Study on combustion of hydrogen lean-mixture in experimental direct injection SI engine, VISITA 6/2002, F02V181, pp. 11. ISBN 951-9155- 15-5. Project GAČR, reg. no. S 101/97/K053. World Automotive Congress, Helsinki, Finland.
  22.  Zuhdi Salhab: Effects of Natural Gas Composition Variations: XXXIV. International Conference of Combustion Engines Departments and Workshops of Czech and Slovakian Universities- KOKA 2003, September 11- 12, 2003, Liberec-Czech Republic, pp: 211-216.
  23.  Zuhdi Salhab, Kazem Oseileh: Modern Education Methods, organized by UAE Society of Engineers-The Nature of Engineering Education in Arab World, Abu Dhabi- UAE, September 17- 18, 2003.
  24.  Zuhdi Salhab: Hydrogen influence on engine thermodynamic and emission parameters. International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition IMECE 2004- Kuwait, 5-8 December. Paper’s code FC046 - CP. Conference organized by Kuwait Society of Engineers.
  25.  Elias Tomeh, Zuhdi Salhab: Vibration measuring as an instrument to identify the sources of vibration and noise on personal cars gearbox. International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition IMECE 2004- Kuwait, 5-8 December. Paper’s code FM201 - CP. Conference organized by Kuwait Society of Engineers.
  26.  Zuhdi Salhab: Hydrogen Energy & Fuel Cells- A Vision for Our Future.Global Conference on renewable Energy Approaches for Deserts [GCREADER]. Energy Center- Jordan University, Amman- Jordan, 18- 22 September 2006, p.p. 319- 324.
  27.  Zuhdi Salhab: Prospective Future Energy Demand for the Palestinian State. Industrial Applications of Energy systems IAES 2007- Sohar University, Sultanate of Oman, April 3- 4, 2007.
  28.  Zuhdi Salhab, Husein Amro, Hazem Shweiki, Mahmoud Ghannam: Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier of the Future Motor Vehicles; A Comparison between Emission and Performance Characteristics of Hydrogen and Gasoline. The Sixth Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference [JIMEC6]- Jordan Engineers Association and Philadelphia University, Amman- Jordan, October 22- 24, 2007.
  29.  Zuhdi Salhab, Glass Solid Waste Management and Recycling in Palestine. The fifth International Conference for Development and Environment in the Arab World, March 21-23/2010, Assiut, Egypt, pp: 317-323.
  30.  Zuhdi Salhab, Ali Abu Zneid, Water Pollution Crises in Palestine. The sixth International Conference for Development and Environment in the Arab World, March 24-26/2012, Assiut, Egypt, pp: 347 – 357.
  31.  Zuhdi Salhab, Abdallah Abuarafa, Ahmad Alhannini, Ihsan Bader: Automotive Thermoelectric Generators; Design and Building. The 8 th Jordanian International Mechanical Engineering Conference [JIMEC8]- Jordan Engineers Association, Amman- Jordan, September 22- 23, 2014.