- Born in Palestine on 02.08.75
- Bach. degree in Computer Systems Engineering from Univ. Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine
- Master degree in Communications and Electronics Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
- PhD. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- Research interest and fields
My current and ongoing research interests focused on Telecommunication networks, Cognitive radio networks, and Wireless and Mobile Communications. One theme that has remained constant in my research work involves developing Architectures, algorithms, and Protocols for Optimizing the operation of 802.11 WiFi Networks. A focus is given to MAC protocols and Interference mitigation. The work has been published in peer-reviewed Journals and conferences. I also serve as Co-Editor, reviewer and TPC member of several international journals and conferences
A) Journal Publications (With Peer Review):
1. Abusubaih M. (2012), "Heterogeneous Uncoordinated Deployment of WLANs: An Evolving Problem for Current and Future Wi-Fi Access”, International Journal of Network Management, John Wiley & Sons, doi: 10.1002/nem.1815.
2. Abusubaih M. (2012), "Joint RTS/CTS and Time Slotting for Interference Mitigation in Multi-BSS 802.11 Wireless LANs”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp. 672–680 Elsevier.
3. Abusubaih M. (2012), "An Approach for Discriminating losses in 802.11 Wireless LANs”, IET Communications, Volume: 6 , Issue: 10, pp. 1262 - 1269, IEEE.
4. Abusubaih M. (2011), “ A combined approach for Detecting Hidden Nodes in 802.11 WLANs”, Annals of Telecommunications, Volume 66, Issue 11-12, pp 635-642, Springer.
5. Abusubaih M. (2010), “ Anomaly Problem in WLANs, Insight on Possible Solutions", Communications of the Arab Computer Society, Vol. 3 No.2.
6. Abusubaih M., Wiethoelter S., Gross J., and Wolisz A. (2008), "A New Access Point Selection Policy for Multi-Rate IEEE 802.11 WLANs", International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS), vol. 23, pp. 291 -- 307, Taylor & Francis.
7. Abusubaih M., Ghareeb I. (2004), “Performance of MFSK signals with postdetection square-law diversity combining in arbitrarily correlated Nakagami-m fading channels”, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 8, NO. 2, pp 108-110.
8. Abusbaih M., Ghareb I. (2001), “Performance of QDPSK signals with postdetection equal gain diversity combining in arbitrarily correlated Nakagami-m fading channels”,IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 5, NO. 11, pp 441-443.
B) Conference Publications (With Peer Review)
1. Abusubaih M. (2012), “Performance of MIMO 802.11n in Heterogeneous Deployments”, ACM SAC 2012, Italy.
2 Abusubaih M. (2012), “Mutual Interference between Bluetooth and 802.11n MIMO Devices”, 19th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2012, Lebanon, 2012.
3 Abusubaih M. (2010). “A new approach for Interference Measurement in 802.11 WLANs”, IEEE PIMRC2010, Turkey.
4. Abusubaih M. (2010), “Performance Anomaly in 802.11 WLANs”, NGMAST 2012.
5. Abusubaih M., Rathke B., and Wolisz A. (2009), "A Framework for Interference Mitigation in Multi-BSS 802.11Wireless LANs", In Proc. of the The 10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2009, Kos, Greece.
6. Abusubaih M., Rathke B., and Wolisz A. (2008), "Collaborative Setting of RTS/CTS in Multi Rate Multi-BSS IEEE 802.11Wireless LANs", In Proc. Of the 16'th IEEE Worksho on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, IEEE LANMAN' 08, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
7. Abusubaih M., and Wolisz A. (2008), "Interference-Aware Decentralized Access Point Selection Policy for Multi-Rate IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs", In Proc. of the 19'th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE PIMRC, Cannes, France.
8. Abusubaih M., and Wolisz A. (2007), "An Optimal Station Association Policy for Multi-Rate IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs", In Proc. of the 10'th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Networks (MSWIM'07), Chania, Crete Island, Greece.
9. Abusubaih M., Rathke B., and Wolisz A. (2007), "A Dual Distance Measurement Scheme for Indoor IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks", In Proc. Of the 9'th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN'07), Cork, Ireland.
10. Abusubaih A., Gross J., and Wolisz A. (2007), "An Inter-Access Point Coordination Protocol for Dynamic Channel Selection in IEEE802.11 Wireless LANs", In Proc 1st IEEE Workshop on Autonomic Communications and Network Management (ACNM 2007), Munich, Germany.
11.Abusubaih M., Gross J., Wiethoelter S., and Wolisz A. (2006), "On Access Point Selection in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks", In Proc. Of the Sixth International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (WLN 2006), Tampa, FL, USA.