د. محمد غازي القواسمي

المنشورات البحثية: 

1-    Article on "Methods of increasing the service Life of Engines", Automobile Manufacturing Journal, Vol. 1, Jan. 1989. USSR.
2-    Presentation of a scientific paper at 89th Annual Meeting of the society of Automotive Engineers in Moscow, Feb. 15, 1989 titled "Service Life of Internal Combustion Engines".
3-    Presentation of scientific paper in seminar about distance vocational learning. Amman – Jordan, February 1998, about (The experience of PalestinePolytechnicUniversity in the field of vocational education and continuing education).
4-    Article on "On site gray wastewater treatment and reuse in the west bank (Palestine), Hydrology Journal, volume 26, Number 3, September 2003, India.
5-    Preparation of a scientific paper on "Advanced electronic control systems of automatic transmission. For a seminar of Automotive Engineering at University of Science and Technology in Irbid – Jordan, September 2003.
6-    Article on "Comparative performance and emission properties of spark ignition outboard engine powered by gasoline and LPG", Jordan journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, volume 5, Number 1, 2011, Jordan.
7-    Article on "Control of soot emissions from diesel engines" Jordan journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, volume 5, Number 1, 2011, Jordan.