Raed Amro is assistant professor at Palestine Polytechnic University . He has received his high Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Saarland/Germany. He obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Chemnitz University of Technology/Germany. The dissertation theme was in the reliability of modern power electronics devices. From 2007 till 2010 he was the chairman of the department of Electrical Engineering at Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) in Hebron. From 2010 till now he fills the position as Dean of College of Engineering at PPU. His research interests include reliability investigation and life-time estimation of modern power electronics devices and has more than 18 publications in English and German languages in this field . Furthermore he has several publications in the field of engineering study in Palestine challenges, problems and chances.
Dr. Amro may be contacted at raedamro@ppu.edu
- Evaluation of DCB based, Transfer molded Components with High Temperature Swings. 25th International PCIM conference 2004. Nuremberg/Germany (First author).
- Power Cycling with High Temperature Swing of Discrete Components Based on Different Technologies. 35th IEEE annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC. Aachen/Germany (First author)
- Double-Sided Low-Temperature Joining Technique for Power Cycling Capability at High Temperature. 11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,EPE2005. Dresden/Germany (First author)
- Power Cycling at High Temperature Swings of Modules with Low Temperature Joining Technique. 18th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs. ISPSD 2006. Naples/Italy (First author)
- Power cycling induced failure mechanisms in the viewpoint of rough temperature environment. 6th International Conference on Integration of Power Electronics Systems 2008. Nuremberg/Germany
- Packaging and Interconnection Technologies of Power Devices, Challenges and Future Trends,ICEE- WCSET2009, Dubai-UAE
- Power Electronics Devices Used in Electrical Alternative Energy, GCREEDER 2009, Amman-Jordan
- Low-Temperature Joining Technique as Interconnection Technology for Power Electronics Devices, CIMA 2011, Beirut-Lebanon
- Alternative Energy Systems in Electronically Point of View, 4th International Conference on Energy 2011, Engineer Association, Ramallah -Palestine
- Absence of Synergy between schools and universities and its effect on the quality of education in Palestine, IACQA- Zarqa University-Jordan (in Arabic)
- Low-Temperature Joining Technique as Interconnection Technology for Power Electronics, Mediterranean Conference on Innovative Material and Applications (CIMA 2011), Beirut-Lebanon