Scientific General Lectures Committee

Committee Members:

Prof. Kareem Tahboub (Head) --
Dr. Ghandi Manasra (Member) --
Shireen Alqadi (Member) --
Mohannad Nassar (Memeber) --


Objectives and Activities:

The scientific general lectures organized by the College of Engineering are intended to contribute towards enriching the scientific and intellectual environment at the college and the university at large.  This is achieved through introducing students and faculty members to advancements in different specialization fields and making them aware of research and technical activities undertaken by faculty members of different departments. Through this, it is anticipated that more academic and research collaboration will be fostered, as science and technology are inherently interdisciplinary and no single field can flourish in isolation.

Thus, the lecturers are asked to keep in mind the multi backgrounds of the attendees and encouraged to use the lecture platform in building cooperation and understanding bridges between the different specializations in the college and with other university faculties. These lectures will not be limited to technical and scientific ones only but will cover societal, economic, and professional practice issues as well.

The committee targets holding one general lecture weekly such that invited lecturers will be new faculty members reporting on research work done for their graduate degrees, experienced college graduates reporting on their practice and telling their success stories, and faculty members from other universities and engineering from both the public and private sectors discussing specific issues of interest. 

Committee News

College of Engineering

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